The Company We Keep

All our lectionary scriptures this week have something to do with community. Kinds of community. Communities with particular values and relationships with God. Communities that don't. In other words, the company we keep. Some of the texts talk about communities that either do or do not live in a covenant relationship with God. The gospel talks about the community of disciples and what lies ahead for disciples of Jesus. It's not all glory and sometimes it's gory. Paul continues to talk about the attributes and characteristics of the grace-filled Christian life. He draws on Old Testament wisdom showing an ancient connection of Christian community with the communities of ancient Hebrew faithful. But he also says things that echo the teaching of Jesus. These words may not be popular.

So all these readings leave us with the question: what company do we keep? Are we willing to be as radically different from the ways of the world as Paul encourages and be part of the community which the Bible calls the Kingdom of God? It's likely that many will prefer other company. What about you?

The lectionary texts are: Psalm 26:1-8; Jeremiah 15:15-21; Matthew 16:21-28; Romans 12:9-21.

This Sunday we'll celebrate Holy Communion. Hope you'll be there.



Pastor’s Perspective


How do you know you are a Christian?