The New World Order

I think it was Texan Ross Perot who first made this phrase popular. At the time he was running for President, Perot stirred people up with claims that the Federal Reserve Bank was in cahoots with international institutions like the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund to install a globalist world order. That would have taken sovereignty away from individual nations. 

Well, that did not happen. But God, who installed the original world order, has installed a new world order through the Holy Spirit. This is Pentecost Sunday and we will celebrate God's re-ordering of all life and of community. According to Jesus in our gospel of John reading, this is necessary because the world is a mess. Humanity has tried to re-order things and so sin and righteousness and judgment need to be realigned with truth.

The Spirit came. Tongues of fiery truth perched on the disciples' heads. Everything changed. Our paraments will be red this week. Hopefully no one will burst into flames.



What's a Trinity?


Jesus is in the cloud