What will we cry out?

Comfort! Comfort! That's what should be cried out.

Exile is ending in the reading from Isaiah this week.. They are returning home. Restored. Their time of punishment is over. The return to the promised land will not be a winding walk through the desert over generations. It will be a straight, clear path. The mighty warrior-God has the tenderness of a shepherd.

The prophet is called upon to be a herald shouting from the top of the mountain. A voice from the heavens commands: "Cry out!" The prophet responds: "What shall I cry?"

Our lectionary readings this week are: Psalm 85: 1-2, 8-13; Isaiah 40:1-11; Mark 1:1-8; 2 Peter 3:8-15.

December is resolutely striding forward whether we're ready or not. This Sunday a congregational meeting will follow worship to elect two new elders. The Session meets Thursday, December 14th at 6p.m.

Allen Cross


Seeing the new you!


Pastor’s Perspective