What's Your passion?

When members of the baby boom generation finished their education eyes turned to career and making a living. Remember the beginning of the movie The Graduate when Dustin Hoffman's character was urged to go into the new opportunities in plastics?

I remember walking down Wall Street to my office building at 70 Pine Street in the 1980's and having to weave my way through the throngs of young, financial services professionals starting out new careers. They seemed to have everything America was looking for: drive, competitiveness, confidence, intelligence. During the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centers, we all lost friends and colleagues, but Wall Street also seemed to lose some of that baby boomer passion as well.

Now days, young people are again urged to find their passion and pursue a career in that. But it's not the same. Now passion is the focus whereas a few decades ago earning a living and climbing the ladder were the focus. Paul spoke to the Roman congregation about passions and warned them to be careful. Some passions are good. Some are not. Now that we've received grace, he said, let go of the old passions. He even asks a question of economics: what advantage did you actually gain through those old passions? It's a question for every generation.

See you soon!

Allen Cross


Pastor’s Perspective


Dying and diving in God's new world order