Cancelled Ash Wednesday Service-Cancelled In-person Lectionary Bible Study; Join us for Zoom Lectionary Bible Study

Blessings to everyone. This has been a trying week with power outages, slick roads, lack of water, and chilly temperatures. The church has been without power all this week and is very cold inside. The power came back on to the church around 10:30 this morning, however we now have wet floors due to a broken water heater.

Because of cold temperatures in the chapel, and the fact that streets will get slick as the sun sets, we are not having our Ash Wednesday service tonight. Please stay safe at home on this first day of Lent and know that I am praying for you.

Lectionary Bible Study will meet only meet via ZOOM today, Feb. 17 at 6:00pm. The lectionary readings for Sunday, February 21st are:

Genesis 9:8-17
Psalm 25:1-10
Mark 1:9-15
1Peter 3:18-22

If you are interested in joining by Zoom, here is the link:

Meeting ID: 861 9223 9323

Passcode: 069975


02-28-2021 Church News for the Big Spring Herald


Cancelled Worship Service, But Recorded Worship Program