A Matter of Life and Death

Yahweh took the prophet Ezekiel to a dry valley filled with bones that were also dried out and lifeless.  Yahweh said: "Mortal, can these bones live?" Ezekiel did not attempt any kind of presumption. Instead, he replied: "Lord, You know." He didn't guess or try to fix anything. He knew that if God wanted to make the dry bones come back to life that it would happen without the input of any mortal, prophet or otherwise.

That's not to say that Ezekiel had no role in the resurrection of those bones. He was called to be there and to speak out. He was called to prophesy to those bones and maybe as a created being, Ezekiel was called to be in solidarity with all the created elements of the world that are dried out and lifeless.

Maybe we're called in a similar way. Maybe our discipleship includes the requirement to not live for ourselves alone but to call out all the ways that creation and human inhabitants are dried out and in need of life. Then participate with God in renewal of life in creation. Something to think about for this fifth Sunday of Lent.

This Saturday morning join together in the fellowship hall for our monthly prayer breakfast. The eating will begin at 8 a.m.

Sunday we will be collecting Noisy Offering during worship.

Allen Cross


Searching for something higher


Here's mud in your eye!