Fantasy or Fact?
For Tuesday, November 15, 2022
This coming Sunday we enact a celebration that goes back thousands of years into Hebrew tradition. Even before Christianity and the promise of heaven, there was the Kingdom of God. Psalm 46 is a relic from an annual enthronement ritual that confirms God as sovereign of all creation. The celebration serves as both the capping off of the season of Pentecost and the introduction to Advent. By participating in Christ the King Sunday, we affirm everything we have learned since Easter and we also set the stage for the entry of God into the world on Christmas. We can only, truly, welcome the Christ child if we have already accepted His reign as God and him as the visible portrayal of God.
Our lectionary readings this week are: Psalm 46; Jeremiah 23:1-6; Luke 23:33-43; Colossians 1:11-20.
So it's fitting that after worship, we will set up the sanctuary for Advent and Christmas. Thank you in advance for sticking around this Sunday to help make the sanctuary beautiful for the coming season. Is the Kingdom of God fantasy or fact? The answer lies in your heart.