Jesus was a refugee.
This famous 14th century fresco by Giotto di Bodone depicts Joseph, Mary, and Jesus fleeing to Egypt to escape the deadly tirade of Judea's King Herod.
Matthew's is the only gospel to tell the story of how, after the Magi set off for home by a route that did not go through Jerusalem, Herod was irate and ordered the murder of every male child in Bethlehem under the age of two. Mary and Jesus sit astride a horse while Joseph and his children from a previous marriage walk along. Giotto shows only part of the body of the last person in the scene suggesting that there may be more people following. How many? Who?
Matthew doesn't talk about the size of the group but even metaphorically, Jesus began His life among refugees. The United Nations claims that there are over 53 million people displaced inside their own countries and over 27 million seeking refuge outside their native lands.
Our scriptures for this coming Sunday, the first Sunday in the season of Christmas, are: Psalm 148; Isaiah 63:7-9; Matthew 2:13-23; Hebrews 2:10-18.
The Women's Bible Study and the history lecture series will not take place this week.