Wednesday Study Groups resume January 4th
The Wednesday morning study groups will be back in full swing starting January 4th.
From 10:00-11:00 the Women’s Bible Study Group resumes its study of Acts with chapter 6 taking us into the story of Stephen and the early Christians.
This group is open to women of our community, and the 6+ denominations represented with those attending and discussing has added to the discovery, insight, and appreciation of this study.
From 12:00-1:00 the History Nerd’s picks up with Emory University’s Dr. Patrick Allitt’s video lessons on The History of the American West. This lecture #18 is “John Wesley Powell and the Desert Southwest.” While these lectures cover the vast expanse of the American West, we are discovering they have given us greater insight and appreciation into the settling of our own area and heritage.
Please feel free to drop in at any time to see what’s going on in either of these groups. Each is an opportunity to meet people and to share ideas and knowledge.
Nancy Michaelis