Pastor’s Perspective

In each of our last two prayer breakfasts, we've talked about a new vision for our congregation. We have a long and venerable history and tradition in this community but conditions on the ground have changed. People and priorities have changed and things that were relevant to one generation are not relevant to the next. We can complain about that or we can move forward with what we have and discern a vision for how we will reflect the light of Christ in the current landscape.

At our last Prayer breakfast, we considered when we felt most alive, motivated, and excited about church participation. The responses fell into two categories: service and expanded understanding. Being called to serve in the congregation and in levels above the congregation and in outreach were important. Equally important was learning by participating in conferences at Mo Ranch and through Christian Education. The fellowship aspect of these experiences was very important. People felt that discernment is a group effort.

We also considered what has been most valuable in our church experience and the answers were all very personal. Sunday School and fellowship were important but also important were personal relationships. There was even a bit of nostalgia. The most significant thing about all this was how valuable experiences and relationships made people feel. They said they felt needed and they felt a sense of belonging. Some said they heard the voice of God in others and many said that church gave them a peace that they did not find in the world outside our doors.

 This is all great stuff and we will continue the discussion.



A poisonous snake could save your life


Everybody plays the fool....sometimes.