Pastor’s Perspective

The Christian life is the way that we practice our faith in our living. How do you practice your faith in your life?

 We have all been claimed by Christ. We have all been called by God to bear witness to God's truth in the world. God's original and continuous mission for God's people was to be a light unto the nations. God promised Abraham that other people would receive blessings through Abraham. In Christ, our mission has gained focus as the endeavor of people reconciled with God through Christ bringing reconciliation to the world in Christ.

 The practices of our faith come in a variety of forms. We have certain liturgical practices in worship that define our faith. We also have various defining internal church practices like our fellowship, our prayer circles, our study, and discussions and even architecture. But we also have other practices that exist outside the walls of the church. The very way we respond to other people in life tells what we believe and if we respond one way to folks in church and another way to other folks outside church, well then that also tells what we truly believe.

 It's interesting that, although we forsake "works righteousness" and salvation through the Law of Moses, many people hold a sort of "beliefs righteousness" in doctrine or dogma or even cultural affirmations. In life, many Christians emphasize specific nationalistic activities, vocabulary, or even cultural associations as "Christian life." Sometimes these have little to do with Jesus and much to do with the social affiliations we form.

 What does your Christian life look like?



Do we believe Jesus or only believe in Jesus?


Are you in or are you out?