A stump is a worthless thing.

For Tuesday, November 29, 2022


We're approaching the second Sunday in Advent and on this Sunday we get some traditional Christmas-time scriptures. Specifically, we get the Isaiah text about the new shoot growing out of the "stump of Jesse" and we get John the Baptist. The stump and John are both interesting metaphors. A stump is a worthless thing. Most people grind it up or burn it down. But sometimes new growth appears out of the old stump. John is not new growth but he is the one who points to new growth. He's not everyone's cup of tea but in first century Palestine the times are ripe for his ministry.

Our scriptures for this week are: Psalm 72:1-7,18-19; Isaiah 11:1-10; Matthew 3:1-12; Romans 15:4-13.

Don't forget that the Christmas turkey drive is going on now through the 11th of December. Also, the Angel Tree in the Narthex offers lots of opportunities to provide gifts for people in need through the Salvation Army. Angel Tree gifts need to be turned in by December 4th.

There will be a congregational meeting on December 18th immediately following worship to elect new Elders.

Allen Cross


Pastor’s Perspective


Two Christmas Mission Opportunities