Walk This Way
This week in the scriptures we witness Jesus sending out the disciples and giving them a particular charge. He also tells them who they should visit and what to do if they experience rejection. If they do experience rejection, they should remember that Jesus Himself is rejected and will receive brutal treatment at the hands of the lost children of the house of Israel. Ironically, those are the very people to whom Jesus has sent the disciples in their errand of discipleship.
How do you feel about that? Essentially, in Matthew's gospel, Jesus sends the disciples to show compassion and love and mercy to the very people that Jesus knows will ultimately treat Him so brutally. This may not be a pleasant road to walk, but this is the road that Jesus walks. The road and the way Jesus walks it - are the road and the manner disciples should go also. Of course, Matthew is writing the gospel for a specific following of congregations, so is Matthew saying that it's not just the apostles but us also who should walk the walk of Jesus?
What kind of deliberate vulnerability does that require of us? What kind of self-sacrificing spirit? What kind of perseverance for the sake of others?
Remember that the history and women's Bible study classes are meeting in the "youth lounge" this week. Maybe it will prove to be the fountain of youth!
God bless.