Where do we go from here?
Easter came and Easter went. Except that we're now in the season of Easter. That's the place where we think about what has happened and try to figure out what it was and what it will mean for how we live in the future. Where do we go from here? Was Easter just a big celebration for one day or does it have implications for all out days.
In some ways, Easter requires that we think about reorganizing like the proto-Christians in Acts 4:32-35. They reorganized by giving up private property. I doubt many of us will do that. Or consider the evening of that day when disciples were gathered behind locked doors and Jesus appeared in their gathering. Just simply appeared. They did not think they would ever see him again but there he was. Jesus just keeps coming back. The letter called 1 John talks about how we live in the season of Easter. We should walk in the light that Jesus brought because God is light. In God there is no darkness. Darkness is only found in the human spirit so during Easter we should walk in darkness no more.
Where do we go from here? Forward. We go forward as best we can. We go forward with a certain attitude. We go forward as witnesses to a miraculous event that transforms the world!
Lectionary for this week is: Psalm 133; Acts 4:32-35; John 20:19-31; 1 John 1:1-2:2.