Pastor’s Perspective
At the January prayer breakfast, we looked at the church's annual report for 2023. If you didn't get one and want one, please let me know. We also talked about crafting a vision for our church's future and I mentioned that this must be your vision rather than something that your minister imposes on you.
How does a vision get built? It starts with some kind of discernment about why we are here. Not what we're doing here or how we do what we do. Why are we here as a church? What is our purpose? Then we must certainly consider our past. What were the best of our traditions? Which ones gave us a recognizable sense of purpose and fulfillment? What made our church become alive and purpose-filled?
We cannot go back to the past but in casting a vision we can consider three particular questions.
1) Out of all your church experiences, when did you feel most alive, motivated, and excited about being involved?
2) What relationships or experiences at church have been the most valuable?
3) Based on your response to 1) and 2) what do you wish for the future of this church?
Let's ponder this and come back together for the February prayer breakfast and figure out a vision for the future.