How big is your boat?

We will be nautical this Sunday. The gospel of Matthew reading this week has Jesus heading up to the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee where he will gather disciples from among boat crews. They are fishing in the sea and Jesus entreats them to follow him with the well known call to become "fishers of men." The gospel says they dropped their nets immediately and followed Him.

That's great but then we take up the 1st Corinthians reading this week and find that the congregation in Corinth are all metaphorically in different boats instead of the one big boast of Christ Jesus. How did Christianity go from that day on the Galilee shore focused directly on Jesus to that day in Corinth that revealed the factionalism within the church of Christ Jesus?

Our lectionary readings for this Sunday are: Psalm 27:1, 4-9; Isaiah 9:1-4; Matthew 4:12-23; 1 Corinthians 1:10-18.

This week, there is a Session meeting on Thursday evening at 6 p.m.
Next Tuesday, there is a meeting of Presbyterian Women at 2 p.m.

See you Sunday!



How does your heart beat?


What are you looking for?