We're still working on it.

Do you have projects that never seem to get finished? Cleaning out the garage or office? Weeding the garden? Taking a much needed vacation? Getting a physical check up? Doing a spiritual self-inventory? Jesus knows what you are up against. After all, He was fully human.

The centerpiece for the scripture readings for All Saints Sunday is Matthew's rendering of the Beatitudes. It identifies people who deserve special blessings. But, spoiler alert, they are all the ones who need help and not the ones who have it all together. Not the super achievers or the super organized who finish every project ahead of schedule with perfection. If you are worried that you are not good enough to find yourself living with God in your concept of the afterlife, Jesus says you are certainly good enough because he is here to help.

Our lectionary readings this week are: Psalm 34:1-10 & 22; Matthew 5:1-12; 1 John 3:1-3; Revelations 7:9-17.

Thank you to everyone who came to Homecoming last Sunday. To those who attended and those who planned and prepared and to those who cleaned up. The day was a blessing.



Fear of failure


10-30-2023 Pastor’s Perspectives