Why are we still waiting?
Two of the four texts in our lectionary selection for the third Sunday of Advent this week talk about attributes of God and values of God's Kingdom. Blind receiving their sight. Lame able to walk again. Poor receiving good news. These are not values of the world but the Kingdom of God that we understand is breaking into the world.
By the time of John the Baptist, the Old Testament declarations about this still have not come true. John is a faithful prophet but even he has second thoughts. So John sends a messenger to Jesus: "Are you the real deal, the one who is going to make all these things happen, or should we be waiting for somebody else?" Jesus responds that the signs are happening if people will only see them. Discernment is the secret sauce that empowers us to recognize the Kingdom in our midst. Still, there has been no great, earth-shattering event so we still wait. James says that we should take on a certain attitude in our waiting time.
These are texts about signs of a future that we become frustrated waiting to happen. The texts for this week are: Psalm 146:5-10; Isaiah 35:1-10; Matthew 11:2-11; James 5:7-10.
Don't forget this Saturday morning at 8a.m. will be our Christmas Prayer Breakfast. Come back in the evening to hear Vox Cordis, the community choir of Big Spring in our sanctuary. The Christmas turkey drive is going on right now also.
May the Spirit of God bring you Christmas spirit!
Allen Cross